Thursday, August 04, 2005

Baguio Outreach

We went to our formation house in Baguio this last weekend. These are around 30 youths who have committed their time to be formed spiritually. All are college-going students, all busy individuals, but all serious about their spiritual walk.

This weekend was packed with enthusiasm and vitality. Praise and worship, games, and teachings were all part of this weekend's agenda.

Here are some highlights:
Teaching on Temptation by Joy was well received. And from the many smiles, giggles and laughter, the youths really identified with the various aspects of temptations.

Teaching on Personal Prayer by yours truly. Covering, methods of prayer, prayerlessness, and testimony, amidst laughter and many nods, the session ended with a time of practising the 'surrendering prayer' which led to a time of ministry.

We were also available for one to one sharing or counselling.

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