Friday, July 25, 2008

A masterpiece in an orange

I ate my 2nd orange today… in my entire life. Peeling an orange is a new experience for me. Looking at the insides, the ‘anatomy’ of the simple orange is intriguing. It actually isn’t so ‘simple’. Beneath the peel of just a few milimetres lies sacs neatly packed side by side, within this sacs lay even more mini-sacs. I wanted to count how many pulps there were within each neat portion and gave up after a while, its impossible to count as you orange lovers can imagine. The juice is so... well juicy, and yet it was well protected by the peel and the even thinner membrane of the pulp.

This is a masterpiece! Well designed, environmentally friendly, its ‘packaging’ will not strangle any seals/dolphins. It even leaves a refreshing fragrance on your hands after you’ve savoured it. Like a little ‘Thank you’, a great ‘after-sales service’.

Thank You God for your Ingenuity. Thank You for providing Vitamin C is such a neat little package.

1 comment:

Joe Yap said...

Wow. I've lost count how many oranges have fallen prey to my gnashing off-white chompers.

It's funny that you've recently learnt to appreciate the orange though because I remember hearing a news story not too long ago that said people were eating less oranges now because it was deemed relatively 'too hard'.. I couldn't find a source to link to but the sheer laziness of the idea was astounding !