Monday, August 30, 2010

Sharing at Holy Family Church

Where: Church of the Holy Family Singapore
When: 29 Aug 2010

The combined catechism classes 10 mins before the sharing.

Serving the children ministry in the Philippines had been such a great blessing to me. Witnessing the spiritual growth of the children and youth, and seeing how God has been moving mountains to see the growth of the ministries have been an amazing journey. From its humble beginnings in 2006 with only a handful of children, we have seen a a big leap till where it is now, 3 sessions of about 30-40 children each.

And so it was with such eagerness to share about the lives of these children, to the children in Holy Family Parish (Singapore). There were about 50 children, a combined session of a few classes.

As image after image and story after story about the plight of these Filipino children was shared, I could see a sense of compassion and solidarity in the eyes of these those present, students and teachers alike. Especially when the children realize that they are about the same age.

Let's pray that in this 'communion of saints', we will all be able to help one another, to honour the dignity of those around us who may have less, and to offer help with compassion and sensitivity. God bless you Holy Family parish!

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